All predictions are pointing towards integration, to a point where the line between disparate services and applications might blur so much that integrated offerings employing multiple applications & tools will become seamless.
This is already the case with personalized pages like iGoogle and NetVibes, but new technologies have added a whole new dimension to this concept. Mashup sites like Yahoo Pipes, and radical new versions of search sites like Cuil, Google Base are all stretching the boundaries of the Web.
With ever smarter devices on one side and ever expanding and intricate networks on the other....the stage is being set for a new web, where the twin hurdles of geography and time will somehow be eliminated. If it does, maybe then it'll be time for another version change. Talk is rife of web 3.0, shouldering the great expectations of Symantic web and Linked data. But until this functionality has a viable form and until it delivers...Web 2.0 it is.
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